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The International CEO Congress is a platform where academicians, entrepreneurs, public-private-NGO managers, artists and graduate students share information in the fields of communication, economics, entrepreneurship, management, organization and social sciences, and aim to improve the academic, social and cultural quality that is open to the participation and contributions of all segments.

The main purpose of the congress is to contribute to the development of a culture of communication, economics, management organization, entrepreneurship, innovation and scientific research. In this framework, it is aimed to develop human, social and cultural capital.

The authors of each submitted paper are given a "Certificate of Participation" and some papers suggested by the Chairpersons are given the "Best Paper Award".

The congress has organizing, advisory, scientific and pear review boards from various countries of the world.

Papers presented at the congress are published in the abstract '' Abstract Book'' and full text “Proceedings Book” with ISBN number.


In our previous congresses, 818 papers prepared by a total of 1275 academicians were presented, and an average of 32 countries and 130 institutions/universities participated in each congress. Each submitted paper is published in the "Abstract Book and Proceedings Book" with ISBN and a "Certificate of Participation" is presented. The "Best Paper Award" is presented to the papers selected by the evaluation board.


1st Congress: 18-19 December 2020 & CEOSSC 2020 Bosnia Herzegovina / Gorajde, International University of Goražde

The congress took place in Bosnia Herzegovina / Gorajde with the participation and contributions of academics from 29 countries and participation from 143 different institutions or Universities with 248 national and international attendees to enliven a constellation of contributions. 12 awards were issued to distinguished papers, and a total of 163 oral presentations.

2nd Congress: 19-22 August 2021 & CEOSSC 2021 – Georgia / Tbilisi, Georgian National University SEU

The congress took place in Georgia / Tbilisi with the participation and contributions of academics from 37 countries and participation from 119 different institutions or Universities with 209 national and international attendees to enliven a constellation of contributions. 7 awards were issued to distinguished papers, and a total of 131 oral presentations.

3rd Congress: 24-25 December 2021 & CEOSSC 2021 – Ukraine / Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University

The congress took place in Ukraine / Dnipro with the participation and contributions of academics from 32 countries and participation from 114 different institutions or Universities with 164 national and international attendees to enliven a constellation of contributions. 6 awards were issued to distinguished papers, and a total of 112 oral presentations.

4th Congress: 20-22 May 2022 & CEOSSC 2022 – India / Udaipur, Mohanlal Sukhadia University

The congress took place in India / Udaipur with the participation and contributions of academics from 30 countries and participation from 116 different institutions or Universities with 209 national and international attendees to enliven a constellation of contributions. 6 awards were issued to distinguished papers, and a total of 136 oral presentations.

5th Congres: 9-11 Dec 2022 & CEOSSC 2022 – Indonesia / Jakarta, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI (IPMI- International Business School)

The congress took place in Indonesia / Jakarta with the participation and contributions of academics from 34 countries and participation from 155 different institutions or Universities with 445 national and international attendees to enliven a constellation of contributions. 5 awards were issued to distinguished papers, and a total of 273 oral presentations.

6th Congres: 16-18 June 2023 & CEOSSC 2023 – United States of America / Arizona, Acacia University

our total visits